Join the fun to win a Pheasant Hunt & Stay
OR a Prize Bundle with an over $500 value
Click here for
the BINGO pdf
Bingo Rules and how to play
Play at your own pace by using boxes that fit what you think you can do or fit in.
A BINGO constitutes 5 in a row horizontal, vertical, diagnal, or all four corners.
If your Bingo square requires you to use social media, please use the hashtag #fsrbingo.
When you get a bingo, post a photo of your completed board to our Facebook page.
All purchases must be made during the contest from August 7-21 with the exception of the Hunt at DEO space. Anyone with a deposit for 2023 can claim that space.
Must choose one prize or the other. Prize is non transferable.
Hunt constitutes one night lodging, one day pheasant hunting, and all meals for one person.
Hunt must be used during open dates or in conjunction with a smaller party at DEO's approval.
Additional hunters can be added to the hunt and stay at the regular price.
One Bingo card per person.
Post your completed Bingo board to FSR Facebook page by midnight CT to be eligible.